Shanmuga reverses UTI in 3 days, migraines, acidity & body pain in3 months

Shanmuga reverses UTI in 3 days, migraines, acidity & body pain in3 months

Shanmuga Priya, a homemaker residing in the US, was suffering from Urinary Tract Infection which had chained her with many dietary restrictions. Following the Satvic Lifestyle not just allowed her to experience many food items after a long time, but also relieved her from many health problems.


Shanmuga Priya
39 year old
Houston, Texas, USA.

Diseases Reversed
UTI, acidity, migraines & back pain

Date of Workshop attended
Did not attend

Time taken to cure
 3 days for UTI & 3 months for acidity and migraines

Email address

"My UTI got cured in the first 3 days. I lost 20 kg in a span of 6 months. I feel a lot more positive and happy. Now, I have so much energy within me that I feel the need to spend it somehow in order to be tired enough to go to sleep." 


Why did you start following the Satvic lifestyle?
I was suffering from severe acidity and gastric problems since 2005. When the acidity would get worse, I had to take medicine to subside the pain. Whenever I had spicy food, I couldn't sleep at night. And, whenever I had a cold or cough I couldn't take medicine as it used to trigger my acidity. With acidity, I was also suffering from sinusitis for the last 15 years, for which I had to take regular medicines. And, due to all these problems, I developed Urinary Tract Infection. My motivation behind following the Satvic Lifestyle was to gain back my health and get fit. 


What did you start doing? Tell us about your healing journey.
My husband introduced me to Dr. Arun Sharma, the grandson of Acharya Lakshman Sharma, the father of naturopathy in India. I attended Arun Sharma's program here in the US. Since my child delivery in 2004, I did not have oranges because of acidity. But, when I went for the workshop, I had oranges after such a long time and since then they have become my favorite fruit. Later on, I started having ash-gourd juice and coconut water. At that time I could eat only selective fruits and vegetables in little quantity. Slowly, over time I could eat more types of solid foods like salads. Lately, I have also started sunbathing, and during my first sunbathing, I literally felt my organs moving. It was like the lifeless organs were becoming alive. 


What are the benefits you received by following the Satvic lifestyle?
My UTI got cured in the first 3 days. I lost 20 kg in the span of 6 months. I feel a lot more positive and happy. Now, I have so much energy within me that I feel the need to spend it somehow in order to be tired enough to go to sleep. The back pain which I have carried since my delivery in 2004, is now gone. The migraines that I was experiencing since childhood is now gone. And, my digestion has improved multifold.  


Apart from the physical changes, have you noticed any mental or spiritual changes?
I can not bear negativity anymore. This lifestyle has made me more ethical and moral in my ideals. I am able to see the beatitude in nature. I feel something hidden has been revealed to me. I can sense the kindness and compassion rising in me for everyone and everything around me.

Can you imagine a world without diseases & medicines? A place where everyone lives in sync with nature. What do you picture?
It is such a beautiful vision. I believe it is possible for humans to reach that state of perfection in the near future. People are gaining consciousness and awareness in respect to their health and well being. If we work together, we will soon make this a reality.

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