Shalini reverses constipation & lost 15 kg

Shalini reverses constipation & lost 15 kg


Shalini Singhania, a resident of  Delhi, was suffering from constipation and excess weight. She was stuck in the cycle of unhealthy eating and lifestyle habit, but following the Satvic Lifestyle has brought her freedom to live as per her own rules.


Shalini Singhania
40 year old
Greater Kailash 2, Delhi

Benefits gained
Cured constipation & lost weight.

Date of Workshop attended
20th April 2019
Time taken to cure
2 months

Email address



"This journey has been life changing for me. I have lost 15 kg in 6 months and I feel so light and energetic all the time. My constipation problem is resolved and I experience regular bowel movements." 


Why did you start following the Satvic lifestyle? Any health problems?Any fitness goals?
A  year ago, I started gaining weight because of my wrong food and lifestyle habits. I had gained 10 kg in a year and it was continuously increasing.  And, because of the same reason of not eating healthy food, I was also suffering from serious constipation problem. My motion cycle was not regular, because of which I also experienced frequent headaches. My motivation behind following this lifestyle was to find a solution to all my problems and live a healthy disease free life.  


What did you start doing? Tell us about your healing journey.
I saw Subah's videos in December and from then on, I started following the diet and doing intermittent fasting. I was so happy with the results, that made me even more passionate about reaching my goal. And at the same time, my brother's marriage was fixed, which provided me one more reason to become healthy and lose weight, that made me even more determined. After attending the workshop, I was thoroughly convinced about the truth behind the satvic concepts and their effectiveness. I started following everything from Intermittent fasting to Sunbathing. I even started carrying my own fruits and vegetables, so that I could avoid eating unhealthy junk food whenever I was out.  


What are the benefits you received by following the Satvic lifestyle?
This journey has been life changing for me. I have lost 15 kg in 6 months and I feel so light and energetic all the time. My constipation problem is resolved and I experience regular bowel movements. Earlier, I used to fall sick very quickly but now, after following the satvic lifestyle religiously for 6 months, I have no more waste or toxins left in my body, so I don't fall sick often. 


Apart from the physical changes, have you noticed any mental or spiritual changes?
I have always been a happy and grateful person, but following this lifestyle has improved that feeling even more. I feel calm and at peace. I have also seen great changes in my sleep pattern, I receive more sound and deeper sleep.


Can you imagine a world without diseases & medicines? A place where everyone lives in sync with nature. What do you picture?
It is easy to think about a world like this, but, difficult to make it a reality. People are living in oblivion, they are not ready to accept the truth or change their habits. I believe that every change starts with us. If we can change ourselves and set an example then people will automatically start listening to you. Even, I found it difficult to explain about satvic philosophy to my family members in the beginning, but now after seeing so many improvements in my health, they they themselves are becoming interested in learning about it. 

See all articles in Healing Stories


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