Pruthiviraj cures fatty liver & intestinal swelling in 1 week

Pruthiviraj cures fatty liver & intestinal swelling in 1 week


Pruthiviraj Pawar, a resident of Mumbai, was suffering from extreme stomach pains a few months ago. But, in just a week all his problems were resolved and now, he is busy spreading the wisdom of Satvic philosophy to all his friends and relatives.


Pruthiviraj Pawar
32 year old

Diseases Reversed
Fatty liver, Intestinal swelling, and stomach infection

Date of Workshop attended
19th May 2019
Time taken to cure
1 week

Email address

"By changing my diet and daily routine, I have become a much more patient and happier human. I am grateful to the Satvic Movement and to this knowledge, and whenever an opportunity arises to share this knowledge with others, I do my best to explain all the concepts in detail." 


Why did you start following the Satvic lifestyle? 
I was experiencing severe stomach problems. I was suffering from multiple health problems at the same time, I was diagnosed with fatty liver, intestinal swelling, hernia, and an increase in the size of my spleen. Because of all these health problems I used to experience excruciating stomach pains. The situation got so worse that after the sonography, my doctor asked me to get admitted immediately. All this had a poor effect on my mental health as well, and I used to feel tired and stressed all the time. When I shared about my health concerns with my boss, he asked me to watch Subah's videos and follow the satvic lifestyle.   


What did you start doing? Tell us about your healing journey.
 After watching Subah's videos, I started following the diet and the 16-hour fasting rule. I was taking Ash-gourd juice in the morning, smoothie around 11 am, satvic lunch around 1:30 pm, and for dinner I had soup. I even replaced all the aluminum utensils at my home with clayware. And after, the workshop, I realized that taking out toxins from our body is equally important to feeding our body with alive and healthy food. Therefore, I started following other Satvic principles and steps such as enema, wet packs and sunbathing. I have become so accustomed to this lifestyle and diet, that I don't think I will ever go back to eating unhealthy food.


What are the benefits you received by following the Satvic lifestyle?
Surprisingly, in just a week all my stomach problems were resolved. And after following the Satvic diet for 3 weeks, I lost 13 kg. Also, earlier, I had some pigmentation on my skin, that is completely healed now. By changing my diet and daily routine, I have become a much more patient and happier human. I am so grateful to Satvic Movement and to this knowledge that whenever an opportunity arises to share this knowledge with others, I do my best to explain all the concepts in detail. I have so many friends who have benefited from following this Lifestyle.


Apart from the physical changes, have you noticed any mental or spiritual changes?
I have become much more conscious and sensitive to the subject of health and wellbeing. I have also started reading books on the subject of health and food, to expand the circle of my knowledge. Moreover, reading books and watching Subah's videos keep me motivated and inspired to follow this lifestyle, with full faith and complete honesty.  


Can you imagine a world without diseases & medicines? A place where everyone lives in sync with nature. What do you picture?
I think everyone has access to this knowledge, everyone knows about the basic principles of good health. But people are not able to follow these rules, because of the lack of guidance and motivation. If we support and motivate each other and help others to develop a deep understanding of Satvic concepts, then it would be possible to create a world where everyone lives a healthy life without medicines. 

See all articles in Healing Stories


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