Priyanka reverses her 2 year old migraine in 2 months

Priyanka reverses her 2 year old migraine in 2 months

Priyanka Garg, a resident of Faridabad, was suffering from extreme migraines, but following a natural approach and living in alignment with nature has given her relief in 2 months. Let's learn about her journey.  


Priyanka Garg
41 year old
Chartered Accountant
Faridabad, Haryana

Benefits gained
Cured migraine &regularized periods.

Date of Workshop attended
27th April 2019
Time taken to cure
2 months

Email address

"Nature has the power to revive and revitalize everything. No one can fight nature. If we will go against nature and her laws, we will suffer. But, if we will live in alignment with nature, no disease can harm us." 


Why did you start following the Satvic lifestyle? 
I was suffering from migraine pains for the last 2 years, and lately, it had gotten more severe. I used to experience extreme headaches that used to stretch for 12-15 hours. And, to appease the pain I had to take medicines and sometimes injections. I have always believed in the power of nature cure and I have also attended many naturopathy programs in the past. But, it didn't help in the long run, as soon as the program was over, my problems started coming back. But, after watching Subah's videos I realized that I should follow this lifestyle completely. 


What did you start doing? Tell us about your healing journey.
I already had faith in the nature cure, so it was not difficult for me to started following the Satvic Lifestyle. I followed every step religiously, I did intermittent fasting, enema, wet packs, sunbathing and changed my diet. It was easier to follow as I knew about the naturopathy concepts already and the reasons behind these habits. Moreover, this time I was determined to cure my self and get healthy naturally.


What are the benefits you received by following the Satvic lifestyle?
One of the reasons behind my migraine was hormonal imbalance,that was triggered by irregular menstrual cycle. So, after following this lifestyle for 2 months, my periods got regularized and that has reduced my headaches immensely. Also, I do not eat a lot of grain meals like earlier, so I do not suffer from problems like acidity or indigestion anymore, that had been one of the causes behind my headaches. My migraine has been cured to a great extent and I am able to control my headaches much better now.  


Apart from the physical changes, have you noticed any mental or spiritual changes?
My headaches have improved a lot, so I don't feel tired and stressed all day. I am able to focus and concentrate better. And I have also noticed changes in my patience level. I don't get upset or angry over small problems and feel calm and content all day long.


Can you imagine a world without diseases & medicines? A place where everyone lives in sync with nature. What do you picture?
It will be a wonderful world, with so much happiness and beauty in it. Nature has the power to revive and revitalize everything. No one can fight nature and her ways, if we will go against nature and her laws, we will suffer. But if we will live in alignment with nature, no disease can harm us. 


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