Pooja won an intense battle with Psoriasis in 6 months and reclaimed her faith in Mother Nature
"Here we see the scaly skin left behind by a mysterious being."
Sounds like commentary from a National Geographic documentary, doesn't it? Wrong. It's the story of my Psoriasis-infected life. It wasn't a snake or lizard shedding its skin. If you wanted to know where I had been, you just had to look down. Layer and layers of thick dead, dry and scaly skin had become my new footprints. Until one day, I found a healing miracle that made people stop looking down to follow me, but look at my clear and glowing skin to follow what I did.
Name Pooja Pandey |
32 year old
Profession Senior Software Engineer |
Disease reversed
Date of Workshop attended
Did not attend
Time taken to cure
6 months |
Email address
pandey.pooja5@gmail.com |
“I had finally found a natural lifestyle plan that could support the disease reversal struggle of a new mother. At the same time, I wondered whether I was just shooting in the dark and grasping at straws. 90% of my body had become inflicted by the terrorism of psoriasis. Would my 10% hope be enough to counter it? I didn’t know, but I had to find out.”
Living faithlessly in the darkness
21st December 2019 - the birth of my child was a moment I will never forget in the best of ways. The birth of my child was also a moment I will never forget in the worst of ways. Because it also marked the birth of my psoriasis. Before I could even name my newborn daughter, I was handed a newborn disease whose name I had never heard of. But it was certainly a disease you could not hide from.
My family was clueless and scared as my skin became a warzone with scaly red patches exploding all over my face, hands, knees and legs. My doctor said - “It won’t affect your life, but you will have to live with rashes and spots. Don’t lose confidence.” How could I hold onto my confidence when I could clearly see he was second guessing his own steroids and creams?
Instead of clearing up my skin, all the ointments merely dried it up to control the inflammation. It was like turning the whole land into a desert just to stop a few pests. As they made my scaly, flaky skin look like a crumpled bag of raisins, I realized that these creams were making me look both old and diseased at this point.
Pooja revealing the prominent psoriasis marks on her arms before starting the Satvic lifestyle
My experiment with allopathy had been a disaster. Little did I know it was only the first in a series of disasters. I sought out a high profile Ayurvedic doctor who promised a psoriasis cure that was 100% effective. It took almost a month and a half just to get his appointment as the memory of healthy skin on my body started fading away. When I finally got it, I was recommended some expensive medicines and exotic massages over the next 3 months. After burning through 30,000 rupees without losing a single inch of patches, and realizing the only thing I enjoyed was using the masseuse as a professional scratcher to calm my non-stop itching, I was getting tired. Tired of treating my skin like an experiment lab. Tired of explaining “It’s not contagious!” to everyone who nervously studied my skin and looked more afraid of contracting my condition than contracting Corona.
A closer look at Pooja’s psoriasis marks on her legs before starting the Satvic lifestyle
Most of all, I was tired of hiding my wrinkled and scarred hands from my own baby while holding her. I didn’t want to scare her. As I realized I was beginning to look more like the character of the monster than the kind mother from the story book that I read to her, I threw it against the wall in anger.
I was beginning to scare myself and I desperately needed an alternative.
Finding my faith in the light
After allopathy, Ayurveda and homeopathy had failed me, I turned to naturopathy. One of our close family friends recommended me to visit Swami Satyanarayan’s ashram in Vijayawada. To reverse my psoriasis, they explained that fasting on honey water for 21 days was the only way out. It was definitely intimidating, but I was willing to try it. However, since I was still breastfeeding my child, they said that I should avoid this plan for now and come back after 8-9 months. It was like being handed a lamp with a fused bulb.
But I was encouraged to spend at least 15 days following their oil-free and salt-free diet coupled with some wet pack, Neem pack, and enema treatments. Although I couldn’t see it externally yet, I could feel like my body had gone through an internal cleansing. This newfound lightness inspired me to keep hunting for more practical natural solutions that I could start with right now.
That’s when I discovered the Satvic Movement channel through their YouTube video - 3 ways to cleanse the body. I had finally found a natural lifestyle plan that could support the disease reversal struggle of a new mother. I stopped all medication from that day because I stopped thinking about psoriasis as an incurable disease. At the same time, I wondered whether I was just shooting in the dark and grasping at straws. 90% of my body had become inflicted by the terrorism of psoriasis. Would my 10% hope be enough to counter it? I didn’t know, but I had to find out.
Pooja revealing how her psoriasis marks have faded after following the Satvic lifestyle plan
I started following all 5 steps of the lifestyle plan from May 2020. I started with 16 hour fasting. The first 12 hours were a breeze as I slept through most of it, but I had to hold one hand with the other to stop it from reaching out to my most visited corner of the kitchen - the all-day nashta (snacks) drawer loaded with chips, biscuits and chiwdas. But as my body grew lighter, my compulsive snacking settled down. I had finally understood that my body’s need for nashta (snacks) was simply the nashaa (drug) of my mind. Soon, my 16 hour fasting even evolved into 18 hour fasting.
Sunbathing and enema became the best part of my day. I didn’t have to claw, peel or scratch off my scaly skin anymore. The sunlight killed my itching sensations and my dead skin gently slipped off my body. And I was overjoyed to see healthy, scar-free skin peek out from under the layers of dead skin after months of hiding from me. Now If I miss sunbathing even for a day, something feels blocked in my mind and I don’t feel fresh even if I shower twice.
A closer look at Pooja’s faded psoriasis marks on her legs after starting the Satvic lifestyle
After sunbathing, I would have a delicious papaya fruit bowl at 10 am, followed by Satvic soup or salad meals for lunch (2 pm) and dinner (6 pm). I had cut out grain meals after finding out how much they slowed down my healing process. I wasn’t ready to give my psoriasis any time to fight back. But switching to this raw diet did make me feel a little weak initially. Until I discovered a Satvic superfood called vegetable sprouts. They energized me so much that I was not only meeting my software development deadlines, but also supervising and improving the work of my teammates.
Shedding my limitations
By the end of December 2020, I was like a butterfly emerging from her pod. I had shed my scaly skin and reclaimed my natural glow. Only the faint traces of psoriasis scars are left behind that are slowly fading away too.
I had stopped going to the parlour because I was scared of the chemicals. Even my cracked heels had healed up effortlessly without a single pedicure. I dumped all my skin products and simply started applying coconut oil since starting the Satvic lifestyle.
I shed over 15 kgs of excess weight going from 62 kg to 45 kg and my teammates started using me as a WhatsApp role model to share my story with their friends and family.
Best of all, I shed my limitations of what I can and cannot do in my roles as a mother, wife, daughter, friend, and colleague. Even though I had no maid during the lockdown, I became a multitasking master juggling all my responsibilities in these roles better than I have ever done before. And that’s all because I truly learned to play one role faithfully - as a loving daughter of Mother Nature.
If you too suffer from any of these symptoms and wish to live a disease-free and a pain-free life, today is the day to give yourself that gift. Sign up for our Health Transformation Workshop and let joy return to your life.
Click here to know more.