Neha reverses her thyroid within 3 months & discovers her dharma for life
With the onset of thyroid, Neha was welcomed to diseased-club by her friends. She was in search of a permanent cure, which could reverse her Thyroid once and for all. After years of experimenting with diets and treatments, one day she finally found something that transformed her life.
Name Neha Vasvani |
43 years old
Profession Homemaker |
Diseases reversed
Thyroid & excess weight |
Workshops attended 9th February 2019 |
Time taken to heal
3 months |
Satvic Lifestyle steps followed
Email address
“I walked on this path, searching for the ultimate solution to heal my thyroid. But what it gave back to me in return cannot be put into words.”
The first disease
It is a common belief, if a person catches any disease post-pregnancy, the disease leaves her only post-death. In May 2017, right after one month of my delivery, I was diagnosed with thyroid. I was called ‘the most health-conscious person’ amongst my friends. I was the only one who did not have any disease till then.
When they heard about it, they mockingly welcomed me into their gang.
But I never wanted to belong to such a space. A space that succumbs to diseases and that gives up too easily!
Search for a solution
I was in search of a way, which could eradicate my thyroid from its very root. Even though I wasn’t interested in a temporary quick fix, because of the sheer dearth of choices I had to lay my belief in whatever came across. I tried my hands on every possible option, ranging from the most illogical suggestion by a passerby to the most complicated treatment protocols.
If someone said, the Ajinomoto in Chinese food causes thyroid, I agreed and stopped eating Chinese. If someone said, dry coriander is the ultimate solution, I agreed and got its stalk the very next day. If someone said, drinking gallons of water just after waking up help in detoxification, I agreed and did exactly what they said.
The search was not just for thyroid now. Some other diseases came up like uninvited guests. I was in the initial stage of arthritis. I could not bear the cold winter season. There were some clots in my left arm. The moment I stepped out in the sun, my eyes used to burn as if someone had put a handful of chilli flakes in them. Cold splashes of water was the only solution. I always carried sunglasses to prevent this situation.
Trials & errors
Hoping to get liberated by all of them. I began my trial with different pathies. Homeopathy, Ayurveda, naturopathy. I gave a try all. But with every passing trial, I found myself all the more bound, all the more dependent.
On this journey, I came across yoga. After 3 months of practicing it, my Thyronorm dosage dropped from 50mg to 25mg. But what I was looking for was a complete reversal. Even if the dosage lessened, medicines still remained on the scene.
Between these trials and errors, a good friend of mine, Renu Khanchandani suggested me to attend a ‘Health Transformation Workshop’ by Subah Jain. The date was 9th February 2019. Its registration portal said, ‘The key to healing chronic diseases lies in our diet, and not medicines.’
I attended the session and made extensive notes. I somehow knew the number of times I would be going through this notebook in future. I bought the wet pack and enema kit from the workshop centre itself. I was sure enough to give this too, a trial.
Beginning of my journey
I was ready to do everything, EXCEPT for leaving my morning tea. No chai meant no energy. A delay of even a few hours would get me unbearable headaches. I tried various ways to get over this stubborn habit.
For my regular exercise, I used to go to the nearby park hours earlier than my regular timings. This way, I was able to distract my mind. Of course, it took some time to adapt. But ultimately, it was the most successful of all measures.
Neha ji practicing yoga as part of her morning routine
After coming back, I used to drink coconut water or green juice. At around 11 AM, I used to eat a plate full of fruits, followed by Satvic roti sabji lunch at around 01:30 PM.
I had a habit of sleeping for hours in the afternoon. Now, a short nap of just 15 minutes was more than enough. Packaged food and dairy products were completely stopped. The evening chai-biscuits combo was replaced with coconut slices. A strong sense of hunger, which I now felt, was hardly experienced earlier. At sunset, I used to make salads or soups as the last meal of the day.
Had I to do this all alone, It would have been quite easy. It becomes challenging when you have to spend your energy both in being disciplined enough to follow the routine and in justifying it to people around you. I quickly became immune to questions and comments like, Oh! You’re leaving milk forever? How do you eat these bland vegetables?, Neha, You look so weak these days!
Neha ji practicing pranayama out in a park
Everyone saw me from the outside, no one could experience what I felt from within. I felt light. I felt flexible. I felt fresh, all day long!
I found more than what I was looking for
After a period of 3 months, I got my blood tests done. From 8.25, my thyroid levels dropped to a normal range. I didn’t need medicines anymore. The 12 year-long search, of finding that one path, had finally ended. The clots on my left arm had disappeared. Cold winters didn’t haunt me now. I don’t have to carry sunglasses to protect my eyes. That burning sensation never came up since then! I was happy to finally resign from the club.
A few months back, I got a ligament tear on my wrist. The pain was intense. My husband forcefully took me to the hospital. The doctor wrapped a crepe bandage and gave me some painkillers. I was clear enough I won’t be taking medicines. So I increased my duration of 16 hours fast to 18 hours. I stopped eating grains and took only water-rich food. By the end of 3 days, there was no pain at all.
The real dharma
When someone says, ‘Neha, You’ve reversed your thyroid, you can leave all of this now I try to explain to them, that it is not a just diet to heal diseases. It is a way of life. One cannot understand the beauty of it merely listening to stories, or watching videos. Only and only, the power experience can make this shift.
Neha ji with Subah & Harsh at Satvic Community meet at Mumbai
All my friends who welcomed me to the diseased-club are now inspired by me. They find it difficult to follow the lifestyle and often say, it is as difficult as changing your own religion, your Dharma.
I wonder, what indeed is Dharma? Is it just another set of beliefs? Is it just another system of trials and errors, if this doesn’t work, shift to that one, if that doesn't work, roll on to another one?
Dharma is the absolute truth. It cannot be many, because the truth is always one. We have all come out from nature and we will return back to her one day. The rules of nature apply equally to all. Nature doesn’t differentiate between thyroid or a ligament tear. It simply heals and takes away the distress.