Keerthika reverses PCOD, thyroid imbalance & lost 11 kg in 2.5 months
Keerthika suffered from excess weight, PCOD & thyroid imbalance at a young age of 22. She had tried different diet plans in the past, but nothing really helped her. After watching Satvic Movement's videos & eating healthy, plant based diet for 2 months she was able to reverse PCOD, thyroid imbalance as well as lose 11 kg.Â
                  Name              Keerthika Mukhaa |
               22 year old
               Profession             Assistant Manager |
            Salem, Tamil Nadu
             Benefits gained
     Cured PCOD, thyroid imbalance &                   lost 11 kg |
      Started following the lifestyle in               January 2019 |
           Time taken to cure
               2.5 months |
             Email address
        keerthimukhaa@gmail.com |
"My TSH level was above 100 and there were multiple cysts in both my ovaries. My doctor asked me not to worry, as PCOD is common among women of my age. But, for someone like me who belong to rural South India, it was a huge thing. Within 2 months of following this lifestyle not only I lost 11 kg but the cysts in both my ovaries dissolved and my TSH level came down to 5 from 100. "
Why did you start following the Satvic lifestyle?
Last year in November, I was diagnosed with PCOD & Thyroid imbalance. But, the deterioration of my health had begun much earlier. I was gaining a lot of weight, my face started looking dull & I was feeling tired all the time. I was unhappy with how I looked & felt. I wanted to lose weight & gain my health back. For me, the primary concern was my weight, I was solely focused on losing my weight that I didn't even notice that I did not get my periods for last 2 months. That is when I decided to see a doctor. After some tests, I learned that I had PCOD & Thyroid Imbalance. My TSH level was above 100 and there were multiple cysts in both of my ovaries. My doctor asked me not to worry, as PCOD is common among women my age, but I couldn't digest it. How can a disease be normal? For someone like me who belong to a rural South Indian family, getting cysts in the ovaries is a big deal. Surprisingly, it was our family doctor who suggested me to watch Subah's videos & follow the Satvic Lifestyle. Â
What did you start doing? Tell us about your healing journey.Â
The first week was a little difficult for me as I was working at a night shift. I was used to working all night, then come home and sleep till 1 pm, do my daily chores & eat my lunch before getting back to work. I did not pay any attention to my health & lived an inactive, sedentary lifestyle. That is why I decided to quit my job and focus on my health. I realized all my health problems were caused by my overeating. I used to eat a lot of junk & processed food. So. the first thing I did was change my diet, I also took enema, did sunbathing & applied wet packs twice a day. Honestly, I was really scared to do enema at first, but after my first time, I thought why didn't I do it before. I could feel the lightness of my body.Â
What are the benefits you received by following the Satvic lifestyle?
Within 2 months of following the Satvic Lifestyle, I started seeing great improvements in my overall health. Not only I lost 11 kg, the cysts in my ovaries dissolved & my TSH level came down to 5 from 100. And, contrary to previous routines & diet I had followed I did not feel weak or tired after doing this instead I felt more energetic. Now, I don' really feel the need to eat & can go on fasting for 2 days. The most beautiful part it is that even after curing my diseases I do not feel like going back to my old routine. I am as excited about it as I was at the beginning of my journey.Â
Apart from the physical changes, have you noticed any mental or spiritual changes?
Yes. Of course it did. My physical health also had a negative effect on my mental health. To be honest, I had never cried about anything in my life. But, after my diagnoses for the first time, I felt depressed & suicidal. I did not feel like meeting or talking to anyone. I wasn't even talking to my parents. I felt frustrated in my own body. For me it was a very difficult phase. But, following the satvic lifestyle not only cured my physical health but also brought positivism & happiness back in my life.Â
Can you imagine a world without diseases & medicines? What do you picture?
Yes, absolutely this world is possible. The only thing we need to make this vision a reality is more and more people working towards spreading this knowledge to the world. Still, people find it hard to follow this lifestyle as they are continuously bombarded with all the false knowledge. But, I hope mine & other people's success story will inspire people to start walking down this path.Â