Sakshi gets rid of painful periods & excess weight within 3 months
Sakshi believed she skipped her father’s genes of obesity and diseases as she was slim and fit. One move of going to London for further studies was enough to topsy-turvy her active lifestyle and strict diet. With her newfound love of Cafes and Restaurants, buried under assignments and thick winterwear, Sakshi did not realize that she was slowly putting on layers of weight- 20 kilos in two years, which brought along thyroid and extremely painful periods. Would she be able to fit into her old clothes? Can she ever get back to her physically active self? Which diseases would add on further? Let's see...
Name Sakshi Mathur |
34 years old
Profession Architect |
Diseases reversed
Weight loss, Painful periods |
Workshop attended Juice Fast (April 2020) |
Time taken to heal
3 months |
Satvic Lifestyle steps followed
Email address
"I was always physically active and fit, but seven days of a month, I was inseparable with my bed, popping painkillers like candy and puking my guts out."
Carefully controlled childhood
My mother always had full control over every small bite that went into my and my sister's mouths. She enrolled us in sports and ensured we remain physically very active. While other kids our age ate kachoris, we ate roti sabji, because my father’s severe diabetes served us as a reminder of what could be if I lose track of my careful health regime.
Once I landed in London after graduation, I tasted freedom for the first time! It tasted delicious and before I knew it, under my multiple layers of winter wear, multiple layers of fat and toxins were building up.
Carefully controlled adulthood
After returning back home, my mother took the reins back and the first place we went to was the doctor. After running all tests, it turns out I had thyroid, and fibroids in my uterus. I tried to change my lifestyle around hoping that with weight loss, these problems would vanish.
I jumped right back on my weight-loss regime, experimenting with fad diets like “Fat-first”, “Gluten-free” and “Grain-free”.
Vinyasa yoga? Done,
Boxing? Done,
Running? Done, and
Dance classes? Done.
I've done them all, so, did I shed weight? Yes, almost 10 kilos, So did my hard work pay off and TSH finally decrease? Haha! No! It increased! And now I have a huge amount of hair fall and this was when my marriage just got fixed! My biggest nightmare was that I would end up being a bald bride! I was clueless, my relatives suggested to try ayurvedic medicines or homoeopathy medicines but I did not have the patience or energy left to give them time, I wanted a solution, and I wanted it Quick! I had barely less than six months for my marriage, so I chose allopathy, just one pill a day, to keep hair fall away.
Sakshi before and after losing excess weight
Two months later, on my birthday, I got the most shocking gift ever- I slipped the stairs and fractured my jaw and hairline. I was bedridden and strictly on a liquid diet! My weight dropped from 70 kg to 57kgs because of all the juices I had and there was a glow on my face, my hair also got healthier, all because of the juices and ample rest which was a major part of my new life and taught me that eating and working out is not the only way to becoming healthier.
Finally, I got married and joined a joint family from Lucknow, with every mithai and kebab I ate, my weight shot up. From 57, I became 65 and with every doctor’s visit, my Thyronorm dosage increased too, till 100 mcg. Everything was back to square 1. The only thing that remained constant was my One week of personal hell every month aka periods. a pain so intense that I could not attend classes when I was studying or work when I was working I had to take 3 leaves at least from work and be glued to my bed with a hot water bottle on my tummy. Those days, my pill-diet was
Pre-breakfast- thyroid medicine
Breakfast- antacid
Pre-lunch - anti-vomiting tablet
Lunch- painkiller
Dinner- painkiller
Stumbling upon Satvic Movement
For someone who ate every two hours, Satvic Movement's videos were very surprising, simple yet strong. I was sceptical about it at first, and I knew I could not do it alone, that's when I enrolled for the Juice fast in April 2020 to do it together with the Satvic family with Subah and Harsh. All my doubts cleared and I felt I grew a pair of wings and I was ready to fly!
The Satvic way of life
Now my mornings start with spiritual practices and meditation, where I set my intention for the day followed by occasional enema, and the most awaited part of my day is Sunbathing- fresh cool breeze, golden warm sunlight, birds chirping, sweet scents of fresh flowers, my mind and body feels light refreshed during sunbathing on my terrace!
Sakshi sunbathing while journaling on her terrace
Sakshi starting her day with yoga on her terrace
Another thing I look forward to now is my colourful and vibrant salad bowls! I have such a big smile on my face when I sit down to eat my greens that my family jokes “surely you must have been a goat or a cow in your previous lifetime! Otherwise, who gets so happy eating salads? “ Occasionally I do have a spoonful of the tasty food that they eat, but I'm able to follow this lifestyle 90% be it wet pack, sunbathing, enema, 16-hour fasting, detox juice or fruits for breakfast. The only challenge I face is doing a wet pack while at work and sunbathing in winters due to lack of sunshine.
The Way Forward
Now with every doctor's visit, I have a smile on my face as he reduces the medication from 100 MCG to 87.5 MCG, and recently further down to 75 mcg! My doctor just has one thing to say - just continue whatever you're doing because it's working! Now my weight has also stabilized at 55 kg.
I no longer have any pain during my periods, in fact not only have I stopped taking leaves during my cycles, I'm being active and pain-free even during my periods, and the only medicine I take during those days is the regular thyroid medication. My fibroids had been very big in size from the beginning, although I got them surgically removed as we are trying to start a family, I wish I came across Satvic movement one year earlier as that would have given me more time to reverse my fibroids too. I could already feel such a great difference in my periods, I have no doubts being on this lifestyle can reverse fibroids too.
Sakshi's idea of perfect weekend is a refreshing hike in the hills
When people around me tell me that I look thin and weak, I just laugh and tell them that I'm feeling stronger than ever and there is no trace of weakness in my entire being! And I'm sure that I would reverse my thyroid soon as well!