Anjali reverses PCOD in just 1 month
Anjali Garg, a girl as young as 14 years old, suffered from diseases like Ulcerative Colitis. After a few years, she was detected with another bunch of it, PCOD, Acne, severe Neck Pain. She, at the age of 22, encountered something that flipped her life upside down. What was it? Come, let's find out.
Name Anjali Garg |
22 year old
Profession Student |
Kaithal (Haryana) |
Diseases reversed
Workshop Attended 23rd sept 2020 (Immunity Masterclass)
Time taken to cure
1 month |
Email Address anjaligarg3339@gmail.com |
Satvic Lifestyle steps followed
“In October 2020, I got my ultrasound done and there were no more cysts in my ovaries. I couldn’t believe this. 4 years of PCOD, gone in just ONE month!"
The struggle
When I was 14 years old, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. Soon after 2 years, I developed an excruciating pain in my neck, which travelled to the head and from there to my eyes. The pain used to be so intense, that getting diclofenac injections was the only option I was left with. After exactly one year, I was diagnosed with PCOD.
I took 8-9 medicines each day, kept alarms as reminders to pop one again. I slept taking medicines, woke up taking medicines and ate food with medicines beside me. This was a constant ritual in my life.
Another such constant of my life was constantly asking just one question ‘Why me’? What wrong have I done? None of those around me suffers from these diseases. Nobody has to think about the severe repercussions of eating a slice of Pizza. Nobody has to spend hours in front of the mirror, counting the number of pimples & hair strands emerging out. Nobody has to constantly worry about going to the washroom. Then why me God? Why only me?
Was medicine-free life possible?
In such misty times, a Youtube channel appeared as a ray of hope.I remember sticking to my mobile screen for 3 full days, watching every single video on Satvic's youtube channel.
Even the slightest possibility of a medicine-free life filled me with so much hope that I was willing to do anything & everything to try this lifestyle.
On 19th September, I emailed the Satvic team, seeking guidance and asking for a detailed diet plan. They suggested that I should attend their weekly workshop. Without a second thought, I registered for it.
The journey ahead
I attended the Immunity Workshop on 24th September 2020. It gave me immense clarity and now, I had a clear path to walk on.
I started following the lifestyle. At around 10:00 AM, I took vegetable juice, mostly bottle gourd, as earlier, I could not find ash gourd near me. Then after 2 hours, I took a fruit. Papayas were my all-time favourite! At around 02:00 PM, I experienced a keen sense of hunger, which made my Satvic Roti- Sabji meal all the more satisfying. On days when I felt extremely hungry, I used to take a glass of vegetable juice at 04:00 PM. Classic Satvic Salad, at around 07:00 PM, like a last meal of the day was constant.
Along with this, I followed 16 hours of fasting and did regular enemas. I couldn’t practice wet packs & sunbathing then. I tried doing sunbathing on my terrace, but every time I had to run back downstairs, saving myself from a monkey attack. Our terrace was a permanent residence for all the monkeys.
When we start following this lifestyle, many challenges come on the way. Whenever I craved sweets & chocolates, I ate a few dates or a small piece of jaggery. For the first few days, I didn’t like eating Satvic sabji. My taste buds were tuned to sense spicy food. But slowly and gradually, I started relishing the subtle flavours. After about a week of following the lifestyle, I felt extremely sleepy & restless. Doubts uplifted their heads, am I on the right path? I reached out to the Satvic team again. They responded that what I was feeling was completely normal and my pranshakti is doing a deep cleanse. Their response was such a relief!
An email received from Anjali on 27 Sept 2020
Our team member’s reply to Anjali's email
The biggest motivation to sustain on this path is when we see small-small changes within ourselves.
My first victory
When we start following this lifestyle, many challenges come on the way. Whenever I craved sweets & chocolates, I ate a few dates or a small piece of jaggery. For the first few days, I didn’t like eating Satvic sabji. My taste buds were tuned to sense spicy food. But slowly and gradually, I started relishing the subtle flavours. After about a week of following the lifestyle, I felt extremely sleepy & restless. Doubts uplifted their heads, am I on the right path? I reached out to the Satvic team again. They responded that what I was feeling was completely normal and my pranshakti is doing a deep cleanse. Their response was such a relief!
Within a month, I had transitioned from gulping medicines like food to taking none. There was no more weakness, my body felt as light as a feather, my skin was clearer, I had lost 5 kgs of weight, I am able to focus on my studies like never before and from the last 1 month I had not experienced that pain in my neck. Touch Wood.
And all of this was just a tip of what was coming across. In October 2020, I got my ultrasound done.
My doctor asked some questions, ‘Beta, aapko kabse PCOD hai?’ (Since when are you suffering from PCOD?), Last checkup kab karwaya tha? (When was your last checkup?)
Impatiently waiting for the results, I was talking to myself, Did my cysts increase? Has it become worse? Don’t waste time rolling on that machine, tell me fast!
And there he said, ‘Anjali, There are no more cysts in your ovaries!’ What? Really! Why did you haunt me with those questions then?
I couldn’t believe this. 4 years of PCOD, gone in just ONE month?
I am yet to get my Ulcerative colitis tested. And for the first time EVER, I am excited for this test. I desperately want to know what those reports had to offer to me.
This makes me wonder, what caused this shift, from consistently cribbing on Why this test- why that test? to being excited for it?
It happened through my faith in this practice. It didn’t develop overnight. It developed with the results in my reports and strengthened with the changes I experienced on physical, mental & emotional level. It was a gradual shift but definitely a permanent one.