Abhinaya got rid of 6 cysts in 7 days and reversed her Thyroid and PCOD in 3 months
"Your womb is turning into a tomb. Do something before it’s too late.”
This was my rude awakening that something had gone horribly wrong. At the age of 30, I was diagnosed with PCOD, and my dream of transitioning from marriage to motherhood had come to a heart-breaking end. Although I knew my body was becoming its own worst enemy, I wasn’t prepared to let medicines take charge of my life. For 2 years, I stumbled in the dark holding onto the faith that medicines were not the answer. Until one day, my prayer was answered and I found a medicine-free lifestyle plan that made 6 cysts disappear in 7 days.
Name Abhinaya Dokaju |
27 year old
Profession International recruitment head |
Diseases reversed
PCOD, Thyroid, Acne |
Workshop attended 3-day Juice Fast (November 2020) |
Time taken to heal
3 months |
Satvic Lifestyle steps followed
Email address
dokajuabhinaya@gmail.com |
“We have to trust our body. Once I understood the theory of how the body repairs itself, I learned to put my faith in the practices one step at a time. And with every step, life was putting its faith back in me. I knew my distant dream of becoming a mother was not so distant anymore.”
A dream turned nightmare
Every girl grows up with a picture-perfect image of a dream wedding. I fulfilled mine at the age of 29. One year later, I was diagnosed with PCOD and the rest of my dreams started popping faster than the pimples on my face. But acne is probably the least of your concerns when your motherhood is at stake. Yes, when your doctor is running out of pages in his notepad diagnosing one problem after another, you really have to pick your battles.
Whether it was my sleep cycle, periods, food habits, or emotional state, everything was falling out of sync. It was like living in a distorted time zone detached from reality. My body and my mind had turned their backs on each other and I no longer knew which version of Abhinaya would wake up the next morning –
The moody Abhinaya who could snap at you for using the bathroom for too long.
The underslept and exhausted Abhinaya who didn’t even have the energy to make herself a cup of coffee in the morning.
The anxious Abhinaya who hesitated between WhatsApping or calling her boss for hours to inform him that she had to take a sick leave for the 8th time this month.
The embarrassed Abhinaya who had to cancel her party plans with friends as a fresh batch of acne had invaded her face overnight.
Denial & desperation
I visited a dietician who first diagnosed me with Thyroid after discovering that both my thyroid levels (7.36 TSH) and prolactin levels (66.25) were extremely high. I was instantly handed a long list of life-long medicines to purchase. But it was a bitter pill to swallow and we decided to consult another doctor for a second opinion.
The doctor went through my reports and repeated it even more harshly than the dietician: “If you stop the medicine, you may develop Diabetes too. Your child’s life will be at risk as long as your thyroid levels are so high.”
Abhinaya's skin before following the Satvic Lifestyle (September 2020)
I couldn’t live in denial anymore like the way I had dismissed my symptoms before getting tested. But I didn’t believe that swallowing a bunch of pills was enough to take care of all the ills in my life. I didn’t want to be enslaved by a medicine box for the rest of my life. So my first resort was trying out homoeopathy, which only worked mildly.
I experimented by cutting down my food intake, but stepping onto the weighing scale every morning was like spinning the lottery wheel – always unpredictable! As my health was at an all-time low, my desperation was at an all-time high. And I even got a laser treatment done to lighten my lips, which had become really dark.
Acceptance and action
After stumbling in the dark for 2 years, yet somehow holding onto the faith that I could reverse my PCOD without medicines, I came across the Satvic Movement video – 3 Ways to Detox Your Body.
Is it actually possible? Have I finally found it? My mind was racing with excitement, but I still didn’t have enough clarity about how I could make it a part of my lifestyle. One day, I decided to try fasting, and luckily, it was one day before the November 2020 3-day Juice Fast workshop. So I signed up for it to see how I could turn my inspiration into transformation.
The moment I heard Subah confidently say: “PCOD? Of course it can be reversed.” in the juice fast, I didn’t need to hear anything else. I lost 3 kgs in 3 days but finally understood that good health was not about your waist size, but your waste size. So I set up a one-week PCOD lifestyle challenge for myself. Over the next week, I planned to follow as many Satvic lifestyle solutions as possible and go for a medical test after 7 days to check my progress.
I dumped the chiwdas, biscuits, and even my beloved biryanis that I would indulge in while travelling. It was easy to ride the momentum of the juice fast and sip on my favourite ABC juice and coconut water every day.
I was too intimidated by 16-hour fasting when I was starting out as I couldn’t imagine how I could make the jump from 3 meals + snacking throughout the day. My friends and family didn’t know the difference between fasting and starving. So the pressure piled on further. I was wondering if I had bitten off more than I could chew in my hunt for a medicine-free solution. I tried my best to follow the one-grain meal plan regularly, but would occasionally have two-grain meals if I felt a little too hungry.
I felt like sunbathing and wet packs were not just better detox friends than any medicine could ever hope to be, but also better mental therapists than real therapists. Combining them with yoga, I felt like stress was becoming a stranger day by day. My friends and family no longer hesitated to approach me wondering which moody version of Abhinaya is waking out of bed this morning. Well, surprising them with some of my favourite smoothies and desserts from the Satvic Food Book also helped them warm up to my lifestyle a little more.
The moment of truth
When I finally went for a PCOD test, I found out that I had gotten rid of 6 cysts in just 7 days, lost an additional 2-3 kg of weight, and cleared up my acne faster than ever before. I have been following intermittent fasting along with the one-grain meal Satvic food plan ever since then.
And after just one month, my thyroid levels went down to 1.46, my periods were regular and pain-free, and my womb was no longer a tomb. Yes, I could finally be a healthy mother again!
I still struggle to follow all the steps religiously as it’s not easy to get a nurturing environment at home to support it. But I realized that you should never compromise creating a nurturing environment within you. Only Mother Nature can gift motherhood to us, and life only blooms inside a clean body. When we treat our body like a temple instead of a tomb, she blesses our womb with the miracle of life. All you have to do is just stay connected to her.